6 Ways on How to Get Emergency Money

A lot of people have their money tied up in investments and other things. Occasionally, life throws a wrench at you, so you wonder how to get emergency money quickly. In the same way, for others, occasionally something happens and they cannot wait until payday to get their cheque. They need money now. This is…

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9 Most Common Disabilities in Canada

Disabilities can be debilitating to your everyday life.Β It can affect virtually every aspect of one’s life, affecting their social, physical, and mental development. There are more than 4 million Canadians living with a disability, according to estimates by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). If one is disabled, thankfully, they are allowed to file a…

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How to Dissolve Toilet Paper Clogs

Sometimes, toilets get clogged because we tried to flush something that shouldn’t be flushed or accidentally dropped something in the bowl. But there are also times when a toilet can get clogged by toilet paper. Of course, toilet paper is designed to break up easily and dissolve when it gets in the water. Unless you…

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8 Essential Hand Signals for Bike Riding

Hand signals help reduce the chances of a cyclist causing an accident or being involved in one. Whenever you are riding a bike, remember that there are different hand signals for different situations. Remember to use the below hand signals the next time you go for a ride. Your safety and that of other cyclists…

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7 Steps to Becoming a Canadian Citizen

Canada is considered one of the best countries in the world to live in, consistently landing in the top 10 in United Nations rankings. Our country is also very open to immigration with nearly 1,000,000 immigrants projected through 2018-2020. While residency offers definite advantages, becoming a Canadian citizen offers many more benefits worth pursuing. As…

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6 Do’s & Don’ts for Your Insurance Claims

The thought of having to submit an insurance claim after you have been in an accident can be stressful and overwhelming. Many insurance companies are large and bureautic and dealing with them can be a lengthy process. However, after an accident, you deserve the benefits and protection that come with insurance. While insurance companies are…

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9 Fun and Interesting Facts About Wine

Wine has a place in many situations. It is for celebrating, for casual evenings in, for romantic dinners, and it is even used in religious situations. It is used to toast newly married couples, and as a gift to people entering new chapters in their lives. Through all that, there are a lot of really…

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8 Tips for Wearing a Back Brace All Day

Many people with back issues spend most of the day wearing a back brace for various reasons. Whether it’s an Orthopedic doctor’s prescription or just for personal reasons, wearing a back brace all day is no child’s play. The main purpose of wearing a back brace is to enhance spinal cord health by reducing pack…

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