5 Creative Ways to Market a House for Sale

From the outside, it may appear as though all there is to real estate is to list a house, show it, and sign a contract. In reality, so much more underneath the surface must be considered when selling a house. Marketing, for example, is one of the largest determinants of whether a house sells; however, marketing is not easy. It requires time and effort to ensure that a house is advertised to its true potential.

Most sellers will stick to what they know: the standard tactics. These include dull flyers, bland descriptions, and predictable social media posts. While these have worked in the past and may still work today, we want to ensure that you get the most out of your listing by thinking outside the box. If you have run out of ideas to make your listings stand out, there are creative yet doable ways to market your house.

We have collected five of the most creative ideas to market a house for sale so it can receive the recognition it deserves. Here are five creative ideas to market a house for sale:

1. Extraordinary listing photos

Whether you are advertising listings on social media or raving about a house via a blog post (both techniques will be discussed later on), the first step is taking amazing listing photos. You want to ensure that you get photos of the highest quality. Great pictures make the homes for sale in Orangeville as appealing as possible.

We want to emphasize that high-quality photos do not depend only on the camera you take them on. There are skills and techniques for taking beautiful real estate listing shots with optimal lighting, indoor and outdoor shots, curb appeal, and aerial views.

2. Add blog posts to your listings

As we previously mentioned, there are many ways to share details about your listings. One of the best ways for potential home buyers to explore homes of interest is to immerse themselves in the lifestyleβ€” envision themselves truly living in the space.

To do this, try writing blog posts about the neighbourhood and home from the perspective of somebody living there to share the experience. Focus on the details of your blog, such as the title, URL, photos you include within, and keywords you believe home buyers would search for.

Ensure that you include your contact details in the post and concrete actions interested viewers could take to learn more, such as a button to set up an appointment or listing a couple of open house dates.

3. Creative open houses

Open houses are one of the strongest marketing techniques that all real estate agents capitalize on. Like a blog post, it allows interested buyers to explore the house and envision themselves in the space. Thus, making the space stand out creatively is critical to making clients remember this particular location. To do this, try incorporating a gimmick!

A gimmick is essentially a trick used to draw attention; they are highly memorable and are a great way to make your house stand out. Adding a large inflatable animal in the front yard, giving away personalized treats with your contact information, or adding photo opportunities throughout the home will make your location stand out!

4. Social media: Pinterest

Social media is unsurprisingly one of the best ways to market your open houses due to its ability to reach specific audiences and spread information with the click of a button. Knowing how to optimize social media to your advantage will undoubtedly be in your favour when trying to sell houses.

Pinterest has been proven to be a great source of generating real estate leads as the platform allows you to create boards that you can tailor to your desires. There are multiple ways to use this platform to your advantage: you could create a different board for each listing and pin photos that encapsulate the house’s aesthetic and community. You could pin articles, tips, and resources regarding the area, such as restaurant reviews and attractions.

You could combine a couple of these tips to maximize engagement: link your Pinterest board to its associated blog post or vice versa.

5. Social media: Instagram

Following the social media trend, Instagram is one of the biggest platforms today for advertising real estate listings. Post those professional photos we spoke about earlier and add a friendly photo to personalize your page. Use the app’s features to increase engagement: tag your listing’s location, use fun and information language in the description to tell a story, and add relevant hashtags to drive consumer engagement.

To make your page stand out, try maintaining a colour-based feed. Many opt for a white background, while others use a pop of colour in each photo to keep the theme lighthearted.