6 Ideas to Prepare Safe Food for Dogs

Are you concerned with what your family and friends eat to keep healthy? How about a man’s best friend? You can go to any grocery store and buy a big colourful bag full of dog food, but it may not be the best thing to feed your pet.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could control what your dog ate? The good news is you can, and it’s the same food you eat. I don’t mean pizza and ice cream when I say the same, though.

Here are some safe foods for dogs:

Food #1: Natural Raw Dog Food

You can take the time to prepare this healthy food for your dog or, even better, find a company that makes natural raw dog food.

This food is prepared with human-grade proteins and gives your dog all the essential nutrients that store-bought dog food lack. Natural raw dog food benefits include healthier skin and shinier coats, and they will require less water because it isn’t processed. They also have smaller stools because there are no fillers and grains. Your dogs deserve the freshest ingredients of high-quality protein and vegetables to have a longer, healthier life.

Now that you know what safe food your dog can eat and how good it is for them, it’s harder to buy store-bought dog food. Go through this list, start adding it to your dog’s diet, and consider buying natural raw dog food. They will love you for it.

Food #2: Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a common ingredient in dog food, but you can prepare it yourself to give to your dog. Some dogs are sensitive to grains because of their high gluten content, but oatmeal is gluten-free. It’s a good source of carbohydrates for your pet and adds fibre to their diet. There are also lots of vitamins and minerals in oatmeal that are beneficial for your dog, and it will help fill them up.

Make sure not to put any salt or sugar in it. Add a few spoonfuls to their food, and they will love it.

Food #3: Eggs

Most people love eggs, and for a good reason. They are delicious and nutritious for a good reason. They are also a good source of protein and other nutrients. Eggs are safe food for dogs.

Eggs contain everything the human body and a canine body needs. While we can eat them every day, you should limit your dog’s egg consumption to a few every week, depending on their size. The eggs must be cooked, though and scrambled is the easiest to make. They can also eat the eggshells, but they should be ground up and added to their food for a great source of calcium.

Food #4: Vegetables

Some great vegetables that your dog can eat regularly and are very healthful. You probably have most of these in your kitchen now, and they are easy to prepare for your pouch. These include:

  • Carrots can be cooked or raw but make sure they are cut up into bite-sized pieces.
  • Cucumbers Cukes are a low-calorie snack for dogs with many vitamins and minerals.
  • Green Beans are a healthy snack for your dog between meals. They are full of beneficial vitamins and minerals and make a great alternative to doggie biscuits.
  • Corn You will find corn as the main ingredient in dog food, but you can cook it and give it to them yourself. Make sure to take it off the cob first.
  • Pumpkin is considered a superfood because of its high mineral, fibre and vitamin content. It can regulate digestion and aid in weight loss for your dog.
  • Green Peas Another gluten-free option is green peas for your best friend. Make sure there are no additives in canned peas.
  • Potatoes These night-shade veggies need to be cooked before being them to dogs. Sweet potatoes are even better, and both are a healthy addition to your dog’s diet.

Food #5: Fruits

Fruit is a delicious food source that we love to eat, and it’s great to give to your dogs. Fruit that is safe for your dogs are:

  • Bananas contain magnesium for bone health but have high sugar content, so only give them in moderation.
  • Watermelon Your dog will love the fleshy part of the watermelon because it’s full of water and vitamins A, B-6, and C. Make sure you take the seeds out and don’t feed them the rinds.
  • Berries Berries are high in antioxidants and are very healthy for our dogs and us. The three main berries to choose from are blueberries, strawberries and blackberries. Stay away from berries and fruit with pits because it is a choking hazard for your dog.
  • Pineapple This tropical fruit can be an occasional sweet snack for your dog. Make sure to cube it, so it’s easy to eat.

Food #6: Meat

Of course, we need to include meat because your dog is an omnivore. They can eat everything from chicken, beef, pork and turkey to salmon, shrimp and tuna. Cheese and milk are also good.

As with all the food you feed your dog, the meat should be of the highest grade you can get for them. Organic, pasture-raised and grass-feed are the best options.