9 Best Things to Do After Buying a House

Are you finished buying a house? All the paperwork is signed, and the keys are in your hand. The house you have been dreaming of is finally yours!

After buying a house, you need to get som things in order, from cleaning to organizing. Before you can officially call your new house a home, there are still a few important steps to take. Here are nine things to do after buying a house.

1. Keep your important documents in a safe place

After you have purchased a house for sale in Chilliwack BC or another region, there will be paperwork related to the transaction. These documents include your deed, your home insurance policy, and your mortgage documents. Be sure to keep these documents in a safe place.

It could be a good idea to keep a copy of each document in a lockbox at your bank. Also, keep the other in a fireproof safe, along with other important documents such as birth certificates and car titles.

2. Clean your new house thoroughly

Before you start unpacking your boxes, or perhaps even before you bring them in, you should thoroughly clean your new house. Even if it looks clean, don’t assume the previous owners cleaned everything before leaving. You might as well do it yourself.

While it’s particularly important to clean everything in your bathroom and the kitchen, don’t forget to clean the exterior of your house. This means you should check the windows, the gutters, the dryer vents, and the yard.

3. Update your home interior before fully unpacking

Did you notice a few things you didn’t like when you were visiting the house before buying it? Be sure to update everything before you unpack because it’s a lot easier to remove some wallpaper, paint walls, or install new flooring while the house is empty.

Don’t forget to measure your windows and to get blinds or curtains installed. This will provide you with some privacy while you get settled.

4. Get your utilities connected

You will have to get your electric bill, and water bill switched to your name after buying a house. But it doesn’t work this way for your Internet and your cable, as you will need to get these utilities connected.

And if you don’t want to spend days without the Internet and your favourite TV channels, it’s best to get everything scheduled ahead of time. And don’t forget you will probably have to be home when the technician shows up to hook up your utilities.

5. Unpack your boxes and get settled

Whether you enjoy unpacking boxes or think it’s a boring chore, you will have to do it. And it’s best to get started as soon as possible and to take the time you need to do it right.

You don’t want to keep stacks of boxes in the corner of your living room or your basement for months and to keep wondering if this item you want to use has been unpacked or not.

Unpack your boxes sooner than later: you’ll be glad you did.

6. Replace all the locks

When you move into a house that isn’t a brand new construction, you don’t know who might have a copy of your keys. You should either replace all your locks or get them re-keyed by a locksmith. This way, you don’t risk being visited by someone you don’t know.

Similarly, if your new home has an alarm system, be sure to change its access code. This should only take a minute, but it will help you preserve your peace of mind.

7. Get to know your new house

As you get settled, you, of course, have to get to know your new house. Look at the circuit breaker switches, and locate the main water shut-off valve. If you ever need to switch off a circuit breaker or to turn off the water valve in a hurry, you will know exactly where to find them.

As you examine your HVAC system, your water heater, and other systems in your house, you should consider preparing a maintenance schedule which will help you keep everything in order.

8. Let everyone know about your new address

Don’t forget to let your friends, family, and boss know about your new address.

You also need to change your address with your financial institution, your insurance companies, your doctor’s office, your credit card, your utility provider, and any other companies or services that need your address.

It’s a good idea to get your mail forwarded while you get settled so you have the time to make all these address changes.

9. Host a housewarming party

When everything is in order, and all your boxes are unpacked, you can introduce yourself to your new neighbours. Above all, you should host a housewarming party!

Invite your friends and family, show them your new home, have some fun, and start creating good memories immediately.