How to Hide Acne Scars Without Makeup

If you have acne scars, you know how they can affect your social life. The last thing you want is to be seen in public with less-than-perfect skin, and it’s a problem many people face.

Depending on the types of scars you have, your technique for hiding them will be different. Here are a few types of scars you will be dealing with:

  • Blackheads: These are clogged pours that resemble a strawberry, and they are darkened spots.
  • Icepick: This is a sunken scar with a pinprick in the deep pit
  • Boxcar: A boxcar scar is also depression, but it is shallower and wider
  • Rolling Scar: These scars are like waves across the skin that are wider and shallow
  • Keloid: A keloid scar is a raised bump caused by excess collagen.

Is acne just something you have to live with, or can you do something? Fortunately, you can get a professional acne scar treatment Toronto. In addition, the right home remedies, products, and supplies can also do the trick.

Here is how to hide acne scars without makeup:

Cleanse your skin

Before you apply anything to cover up your acne scars, you need to make sure the surface of your skin is as clean as possible. You tend to get oily skin with scars, but you need a moisturizer, so pick an oil-free one that fits your skin type.

Make sure to match all your products’ skin tones for the best results. Use the inside of your wrist as a guide for whether you have cool, neutral or warm undertones and test out some products at your local beauty counter.

Hide acne scars with primer

Like any painting, you need to have an undercoat as a base. It is also the case with covering up your acne scars. Scars can come as pigmentation spots, sunken, pitted patches or even raised scars, and they need to be covered with a primer to even out skin tone and plump up the indents. A soothing and filling primer works best.

Dab with a tissue to give you an even, matte base that you can build on. It will improve your concealer and look after smooth skin. You can also set your primer with a translucent powder to ensure it lasts longer.

Hide acne scars with concealer

Now it’s time to apply the concealer. Make sure not to scrimp because you need good coverage. Use a cotton swab and cover around your blemish in an X, criss-cross pattern. Press the concealer to blend on the scar using pads or clean hands. Make sure not to rub it, or you will get streaks.

You need to wait for the concealer to set, so it’s a good time to work on other areas of your face, like any dark spots around your eyes. Sometimes it will take a few layers to get the coverage and smoothness you are looking for. Once done, blot away any access makeup.

Hide acne scars with liquid foundation

Foundation is your next step, and it’s best to use a stippling brush so you don’t wipe off any concealer you already put on. With round stippling motions, you get a natural look with minimal buildup. A full coverage foundation will hide your acne scars and blend colour on your whole face.

Once your makeup is set, finish with a pressed or loose powder to ensure everything stays on for the day. A big fluffy brush works well for this application. A finishing spray will also help with any caking from heavy makeup.

Treat existing pimples

We all get pimples, and even though they are not scars (yet), you still want to hide them from others. Start by resisting the urge to pop them. You may think this will help, but it can cause a larger breakout or even an infection. Treat the spot with a complexion stick with salicylic acid, colloidal sulphur, and tea tree oil.

This will help it go away faster. In the meantime, use a thicker, liquid foundation and build up the coverage around it. Apply it with your hands, fan it out to cover any redness, and dab more as needed. Finish off with a powder foundation to get that airbrushed look.

Hide acne scars with cosmetic treatments

Besides using makeup to cover up your scars, there are several procedures you can get to improve the appearance of your skin. These include:

  • Dermabrasion
  • Laser resurfacing
  • Soft tissue fillers
  • Steroid injections
  • Botox
  • Skin needling
  • Chemical peel

These uninvited guests tend to pop up on the worst occasions and take their time to fade away. Step up your skincare routine to minimize the outbreaks and have a full arsenal of coverage makeup products for when you need them. For a more advanced attack, get professional treatments for your acne scars.